[hey look - it's me on Christmas. ~ an actual nice photo of me.]
First off, I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and got a bunch of kick-ass stuff! However, now with Christmas finally over, [and finally me finally getting a day - or in this case weekend - off work; I've been working nearly every day since December 26th -_-] I can get back to what I enjoy doing most: writing about crap that most people either already know, or don't have time to look into! However, this is why I write here, so let's move on from me at work/Christmas, and get down to it!
- Wait, it's HIM getting married?!
If you look carefully enough at the photo abovee, it looks like everyone has shown up to the wedding; from Wolverine, to Captain America! Even the fucking She-Hulk is there, with Nightcrawler as the priest?? But who's wedding is this? Is the picture too small? Sorry, let me zoom in on the blushing groom and his wife- that should help, right? [below]
Yep. The Merc With The Mouth is getting married! [do I see Cable as the best man? haha oh, Marvel.] But to whom is the question [as you can see, she's being left a secret for now..]; any guesses? I haven't read enough recent Deadpool to hazard any guesses. [let me know in the comments?] Marvel even gave us an 'invitation' , which is both weird and cool. I take that back - it's too badass NOT to share [below]
- I'm actually willing to go see The Marked Ones?
In my family, it's no secret that I am the horror fan of the bunch; but if there's one horror series that I'm not that a huge fan of: it's Paranormal Activity. Now before you shoot me for saying that, I can't just say this without mentioning that I actually really enjoyed the first film- it was shot well, felt real, and got a bunch of people scared of living in their own home.. which is where [in my opinion] they should have stopped. They had a good thing going for them, and they've dragged it out to a whopping 4 sequels [including 'The Marked Ones' which is a side story?] ! BUT, I've heard loads of good things about The Marked Ones, and based on trailers- it actually looks half decent. This is why I've decided that I'm going to bite my tongue until I've seen the film; which I'm doing sometime soon. Whether or not it's worthwhile, is to be determined.
[hey, isn't that the Deathly Hallows symbol?]
- [and for the sad news of the week] James Avery passes away at 68 years. [RIP]
As a '90s kid, I feel like I grew up with some fucking cool shows: I watched shows like Family Matters, Full House, The X-Files, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, TMNT [animated series], and most importantly; The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. Watching these shows often times made me happy to know that people could write such an awesome script and create such loving characters. Fresh Prince was no different. I would always laugh when Uncle Phil [played by the wonderful James Avery] would give Will Smith trouble for sneaking a girl into his room, or anything/everything ridiculous that only Will could do. According to sources close to the actor, he had recently gone through open heart surgery - and apparently things took a turn for the worse. To make this post more upsetting, Alfonso Ribeiro- who played Carleton Banks on the show posted the following post to his Facebook [below]
As well as playing Uncle Phil, James Avery also did the voice work for Shredder and Splinter in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon! [the one I used to watch too.. ouch /:] So long Uncle Phil, RIP.
Be sure to 'like' the fan page for Firework Eyes & Haunted Hearts on Facebook; which you can find here, or even follow me on Twitter. [visit my profile here] If you have a Tumblr, be sure to follow me here or my more horror explicit Tumblr here [please be aware, that my second Tumblr page has inappropriate content for readers/viewers under the age of 18] Have a suggestion for a new post or movie review? Send me your comments and/or ideas anywhere mentioned above. Until my next post though, CHEERS
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