Saturday, July 13, 2013

Worried about Jamie Foxx as Electro? Here is how he's going to look in "Amazing Spider-Man 2"

I remember when it was first released online that Jamie Foxx was going to play the famous Marvel character known as Electro and immediately, I felt deeply concerned. Don't get me wrong, Jamie Foxx is a phenomenal actor, but the idea of him playing a villain [let alone, a supervillian] felt kind of out of place in mind. Fans everywhere were wondering what he's going to look like, and are the costume designers changing his suit up? [because Jamie Foxx in Classic Electro's suit- probably wouldn't translate well on the big screen- as seen below] 
[yeeeah, I'm not feeling the idea of Jamie Foxx looking too great in green & yellow spandex..]
However those worries faded slowly, as there were small little hints and newer pictures being scattered online; including one specific picture of Electro wearing a black sweater, and glowing blue? [must be the electricity flowing through him..what else could it be?] The idea of Electro in a black sweater concerned fans, and I actually noticed some comments said the whole get-up looked like something out of Star Wars; which isn't something that technically isn't something that supposed to be in the Marvel world. [to see the black sweater/glowing blue Electro- check out the picture below;]
 [Is that you Emperor Palpatine?]
Thankfully, those fears were destroyed when another photograph appeared in Entertainment Weekly, and although it's not the green and yellow classic suit, it looks almost better; and actually feels like something that would make far more sense, then a big yellow 'thunderbolt star' like mask. [and ultimately, maybe the hood was put on to hide his 'electrified' face from onlookers? Below, I have included the picture from Entertainment Weekly which released the official movie costume for Electro, which will be shown in Amazing Spider-Man 2 and as I said: it's looking pretty bad-ass!


So what are your thoughts on the new Electro costume? I know it's not the classic costume one, but it should work, right? Do you like it? Or does it feel too 'mainstream'? Let me know in the comment section below! Be sure to 'like' the fan page for Firework Eyes & Haunted Hearts on Facebook; which you can find here, or even follow me on Twitter. [visit my profile here] If you have a Tumblr, be sure to follow me here or my more horror explicit Tumblr here [please be aware, that my second Tumblr page has inappropriate content for readers/viewers under 18] Have a suggestion for a new post/movie review? Send me your comments and/or ideas anywhere mentioned above. Until my next post though, CHEERS.

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