I'm sure many horror fans agree that sometimes foreign films are a lot darker, and even more gorier than [most of] the American ones. One foreign film in particular; Oldboy is a Korean horror/suspense film that is extreme not only for it's content, but for the plot of the story itself. [you can read my spoiler-filled thoughts of Oldboy here] One thing about Oldboy is that it's got a lot of graphic topics being covered that I, feel would only suit in a Korean film. [for those of you who have seen the film, you know what I'm talking about.] Oldboy was in fact an adaptation of the graphic novel written by Garon Tsuchiya and
illustrated by Nobuaki Minegishi and is the cult film that gave director Chan-Wook Park his name in the movie business. The film is about a man who is set free after 15 years of imprisonment by a mysterious character, who then gives his victim a only few days to figure out the reason
for this horrific “punishment” [and even then, that's nothing compared to the twist at the very end of the film] What gave the film it's popularity is probably [as I'm convinced] because of its brutal nature, plot twists and most of all, it's examination of the dark side of human
emotions. Naturally, being an older film, [and Hollywood being out of ideas] It came time that this Korean cult classic was needing to be remade! [I know, I'm kind of skeptical, myself.]
[just think; rather than Min-sik Choi- as seen above- this time it's Josh Brolin who's being cast into the hellish world known as "Oldboy"]
However, in what feels like a million years later, the trailer has finally surfaced [was released today in fact!] and although some are worried, I'm actually feeling kind of confident now that I've seen it's red-band trailer. Looking at the trailer though, Spike Lee’s take on the classic is [as he intially promised] "just as grimy and graphic" as Park’s had in mind when he made his version back in 2005,
and it seems that this version of the film goes far and beyond to recreate many of the shocking moments from the original Oldboy. In fact, if you look carefully enough- some of the scenes in the trailer look to be even more
gruesome than the original! Whether or not you choose to enjoy the idea of a remake of what I feel is a classic in cinema, is up to you. Although I love the original, I figure maybe it is time for Americans [who aren't aware of the original] to step into the dark & twisted world of Oldboy. Here, you can watch the trailer for the remake, and as you can see [which is what's got me excited] the hallway fight scene from the original will be incorporated in the remake [but in my opinion, no one can do it like Min-sik Choi!] and was that Samuel L Jackson I saw?!
[Josh Brolin- left | Min-sik Choi- right. who played the character better? Guess we'll have to wait and see the film for a final say.. Opinions?]
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