Number 1; Stephanie & I are finding a [first] place together-
Yep. This is as really as it's gonna get. We've been talking about it ever since we first moved in with my grandparents [here in Ottawa], but now it actually seems to be happening. We've looked at 2 places [and unfortunately got denied one of those places..] but I called a place yesterday that we had seen before [my Aunt used to live in the building] and they're real nice. =)
Number 2; I've been accepted!-
If you read what I post on a regular basis, or just read along as I'm going- you would remember that on February 26th, I mentioned that I had gone for an interview to do with working with Victim Services of Ottawa. [in fact, I'm pretty sure that I used the exact same picture above] I was getting worried, since it had been about 3-4 weeks since the interview, and I hadn't heard anything back. [one thing that was mentioned in the interview was they were interviewing 70 people, & only accepting 30] Thankfully, I check my emails all the time, [mostly out of paranoia] and realized I had a new email entitled "You've Been Accepted!" I can hereby say, I've finished all the online training, and I start the actual training [in person] on April 13th.. and I'm excited!

Number 3; My birthday is tomorrow?-
It's true. Tomorrow is the day I turn 21, and I don't have any idea, how to feel about that. I often describe my birthday as a day that I know is coming, but I'm not ready for it.. Whenever someone at work, school, or wherever asks how I feel to be turning 21, I quite literally reply with 'it's weird..' But I'm actually kind of excited for tomorrow- I got work off, and Stephanie and I are planning on going glow in the dark mini putting [I'm what you'd call mature haha]. I'll be sure to post pictures of the entire day, and let you guys know what happened.
I'd just like to end this post by thanking you guys- the readers- for reading this blog in general, even if it's just a post or two. I'm trying to find new ways to get new audiences to read it but I feel like it's not working as well as I initially hoped. I assume, like me, you may or may not have expected a personal post today- but thank you for taking the time to read it- /post. Be sure to like the fan page for this blog on Facebook; which you can find here, in the comments below or on Twitter here . If you have a Tumblr, follow me here. [Have a suggestion for a new post? Send me ideas/links any where mentioned above;] CHEERS!
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