This past weekend was a weekend to remember as the family and I
[and by 'family', I mean Stephanie , Isabella- my sister, Samm- a friend of mine, my father & my grandfather] went to the very first
Comic-Con in Ottawa!
[I feel that this GIF sums up my feelings for how excited I was..]
Now I was very lucky to be able to go, because although I got 2 tickets back in March [they were a birthday gift, one for Stephanie & I], and although I asked work for the date off the very next day [I gave them literally just over 2 months notice ahead of time], I still ended up getting a shift on the day of Comic-Con. I wasn’t impressed. I found it completely unfair- especially since one guy I work with asked if he could have the day off cause his cat was sick the day he was scheduled..and he got it off. Yet I asked 2 months early, and got denied. Luckily another guy I work with was totally cool with the idea of taking my shift for the day, and I’m very thankful. anyways! This post isn’t to bitch and moan.. but rather talk about Comic-Con!
[The line up was HUGE, apparently Saturday- the day we went- was sold out with over 18,000 people!]
For Stephanie, Samm, Isabella & I, we left at 8:45am[ish] [although the actual thing started at 10:00] and drove out to the place it was being held, and even then- there was a crazy line already started. Immediately after seeing all the people slowly show up to join the line, we noticed that we should have showed up in costume [in the picture above you can see The 11th Doctor from Doctor Who- the one wearing the red fez] We saw a lot of different costumes too [I'll show pictures at the end] There was a lot of Avengers costumes, probably due to the fame the movie is getting, but also a lot of costumes I had never seen before!
[Need a costume idea? Why not Zoidberg?]
There was so much to see, from Zoidberg, to all the stands selling comics [hell, we even found a corner- behind Zoidberg in the picture, where you could buy Archie Comics!] Now the real highlight was knowing that there were guests appearing- although you have to pay to see them/get pictures. There was William Shatner [who was charging 75 fucking dollars for a picture with naturally we didn't go to him], Elvira- who although I love her- the line to see her was really lengthy, and sadly, she wasn’t in costume [that part kinda killed me inside]. But the final guest, was the whole reason my father went. Long story short, growing up I was the Spider-Man fan- always was, always will be. Dad on the other hand- he was more of a HULK fan. So naturally [although it came to a whopping 60 some dollars] we had to get pictures with this guy! [below]

[from left to right we have my Dad, Our Special Guest, Myself, and Isabella. Slightly to the right of my head you can see my grandfather, Stephanie, & Samm!]
Still don’t know who it is?! I’ll give you one last hint [even though I'm pretty sure that the photo above was hint enough]
It was LOU FERRIGNO! He’s known for playing the original HULK in the old TV show with Bill Bixby! [RIP Mr. Bixby..] It was probably the craziest thing ever- he was easily a foot or two taller than me, and each of his arms were like quadruple the size of my itty bitty neck! It blew my mind- he was even quite friendly- but I think that’s part of the gig. Ultimately, we stayed at Comic-Con for a LONG time- like rest of the day [making our visit to Comic-Con a total of 9 hours!] I was really glad to be able to say I was there..cause it was extremely worth it. bring on next year’s Comic-Con! [below you will find more pictures of people in costume for your entertainment- CHEERS]
[Left to right: Warren- Me, Isabella, & The 4th Doctor- Doctor Who]
Optimus Prime- Transformers!
[Left to right: Stephanie, Master Chief- Halo series]
Pyramid Head- from Silent Hill- I had to chase him down to get a picture!
PS: I apologize for the sideways pictures..they wouldn’t load if I flipped them.. lame- I know.